


maximum 10 participants

2h 30min

Remote / Virtual


maximum 10 participants

2h 30min



Remote/ Virtually: you and your colleagues use your laptops and for 2h 30’ you learn alternative methods for sourcing and approaching candidates.

  • At the end you will have a clearer understanding about  the active search of candidates and a kit of methods & tools that you can apply in your sourcing processes;
  • 100% applicable know-how through individual exercises & tools;
  • The materials are in editable electronic format & ready to use after the microlearning session.


✔ Do you want to develop or update the candidate search strategy used in your company? We offer you


We learn together:

  • To build a research strategy to identify the right candidates (IT or non-IT);
  • The importance of keywords and how to use them in active searching;
  • Boolean Search and how to look for profiles / CVs on LinkedIn and Google;
  • Super online hacks that save you time and help you search for candidates;
  • Tools that help you build emails or messages to present the role to candidates.


✔ At the end of the microlearning session you will have an applicable know-how and a kit of methods, tools & templates that you can use in your candidates sourcing processes.


You keep the learning materials in electronic format and you will have a digital kit that contains:

  • The candidate search strategy for the roles you are recruiting for;
  • Boolean optimised strings that help you identify the right candidates;
  • A list of alternative research platforms and channels where you can find the right candidates;
  • A list of tools and tips & tricks on how to optimise your keywords and search.


Raisa Oprea

Trainer & Consultant

Collaborating Trainer @My HR Lab and Recruiter Freelancer, with over 10 years of experience in the HR field, with exposure to various activities related to recruitment and constant focus on IT Recruitment since 2015.


This microlearning session is dedicated to juniors and specialists in HR, to hiring managers and everyone else involved in online interviewing.